Patch Notes (9/21/2023) Update 1.2.5

A new tier of resources & equipment and more! Here’s what is new to in version 1.2.5! Features: Added the 7th tier of resources & equipment, Diamond & Willow! The leaderboard score now has a comma to denominate thousands, millions, etc. Added a loading screen covering the camera for when the game hasn’t loaded …

Patch Notes (8/30/2023) Update 1.2.3

Gameplay Fixes and Improvements, UI Tweaks, a Killfeed, and more! Here’s what is new to in version 1.2.3! Features: Overhauled and reorganized the main menu screen. Removed automatic camera rotation on desktop. The server chat now has a kill feed, showing players when people die and what/who killed them. Bugfixes: Fixed an issue which …

Patch Notes (8/24/2023) Update 1.2.2

UI improvements, some level fixes, minor gameplay rebalancing and more! Let’s dive into everything coming to with version 1.1.0: Features: You now get notified when you are able to craft something new when you have enough resources to do so When you craft a new object and do not have enough room, you automatically …