Patch Notes (03/08/2024) Update 2.2.0 Version 2.2.0:

Map Changes:

  • Map has expanded more than double the size

  • Rotating safe zones were removed from the game

  • Map is instead broken into 3 zones – No PvP, PvP(Limited), and PvP(Unlimited)

  • There is no more health-regain in safe zones


  • Who you can fight now depends on what zone you are in (see above “Map Changes”)

  • In the “No PvP” zone, you cannot fight players

  • In the “PvP(Limited)” zone:

    • you can only fight ONE player at a time

    • You can only fight someone similar level to you

  • In the “PvP(Unlimited)” you can fight anyone, and any number of players


  • You can now trade with players!

  • You can initiate a trade by clicking (e) to interact on desktop, or click trade on mobile near a player in a No-Pvp zone

  • Once you receive a trade offer – a “player wants to trade” button will appear over the player’s head which you can click to accept the trade

Other Features:

  • Loot obtained from a player or an NPC you kill can only be picked up by you for 30 seconds

  • Resource drops can only be picked up by you for 15 seconds
  • Crossbows now play the correct sounds

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