Patch Notes (05/10/2024) Update 2.4

Huge Fishing Update! Version 2.3.3:

New Fish:

  • Renamed the hunting skill to fishing
  • Added 11 new types of fish!
  • Added two new methods of fishing:
    • Harpoon Ballistae: Around the map are several new locations where you can fish using a ballista. Each consecutive hit increases a combo which can increase your fishing XP to up to 50% more!
    • Gathering: You’ll notice some crabs and such scuttling around the map. Chase them and interact with them to gather them. Be careful though, there’s a chance they can nip you!
  • Made changes to existing fishing nodes to make it possible to fish at the same node for a long time. Less experience, but you can pay less attention!
  • Added a new rare sword that you can only get from spearfishing. Good luck finding it!
  • Some crafting recipes now include fish

Shop Changes:

  • Fish Merchant will now have some changes to its fixed stock
    • All sell prices have been lowered to 50% their value
    • If selling or purchasing one of the fixed items, price is dependent on the current stock.
    • As you sell fixed items to the shop the stock goes up and vice versa.

Map Changes:

  • Added a new spawn area for brand new players, to better the early game experience.
  • Moved around the zones
  • Added some water based decorations for fishing areas

UI Changes:

  • We’ve made some small UI tweaks across the board
  • Progress bars now show XP to the next level instead of to the next item
  • Items will now have their value displayed on them when you hover
  • Added some icons to the minimap to show important fishing locations

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug with misses. Misses were significantly higher chance then they should have been.
  • Fixed a bug where weapon hitboxes would hit other players you are not in a 1v1 with in the pvp zone.
  • Progress bar changes fixed a bug where progress bars were no longer accurate at high levels.
  • Fixed a bug where you could be pushed using items in the safe zone if your inventory is full.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause your camera to get stuck if you released the camera drag on UI objects.


  • Slightly buffed hooks

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