Patch Notes (10/13/2023) Update 1.4.0

Game Sound, the Fish Merchant Market, gameplay balancing, and more! Here’s what is new to in version 1.4.0!

Fish Merchant Shop:

  • We are excited to introduce the Fish Merchant shop! Now, you can interact with the Fish Merchant at any safe zone and it will open his shop, where he will sell each type of fish as well as several items other players have sold to him – each Fish Merchant has his own store with unique items, so be sure to check the different Fish Merchants around the map if you are looking for something specific! This menu will also give you a new interaction with your inventory to select which items you want to sell to the Fish Merchant.
  • Items stay in the Fish Merchant’s inventory for 10 minutes and then move to another Fish Merchant’s store if it has space. Items in the Fish Merchant store stack if players sell multiple of the same item to him, but the stack halves every 2 minutes. Please remember that if you accidentally sell an item to the Fish Merchant, you can repurchase it, but the price will be higher than what you sold it for!


  • This update includes the first iteration of basic sounds in the game! With this comes a mute/unmute button on the main menu screen.

Food Balancing:

  • Food items heal now much less than before.
  • Food drops from NPCs have been doubled.
  • Food items now stack up to 10 in an inventory slot.

Other Features & Improvements:

  • Dashing into an item that is lower tier than what you have equipped will automatically break it into score tokens.
  • Smoother NPC turning, and instant rotation for players when aiming.
  • Dash cooldown arrow will now slowly fade from not-ready (grey) to ready (blue)
  • The resource tutorial highlight is now purple and lasts for 30 seconds
  • There are now more outline colours to how much more powerful you are than an enemy.
  • Resources (such as mining nodes and trees) now have a random scale to them within a small range.
  • Upon death, there is now always a chance to drop your weapon if it is Tier 4 (silver) or higher.


  • Fixed a bug where the “Tell Gatarn Engineer” message was being spammed in the game.

As always, we greatly appreciate all player feedback, good and bad! If you have any feedback or things you’d like to see in, be sure to hop into our Discord server and let us know!

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