Patch Notes (10/6/2023) Update 1.3.1

Combat Improvements, UI updates, bug fixes, and more! Here’s what is new to in version 1.3.1!

New Features:

  • The death screen now displays several stats to you regarding your gameplay since your last death. These stats include your total kills, damage dealt, highest score, time alive, fish eaten, and resources gathered.
  • Players now drop all of their items when they disconnect from the game.
  • When you are killed by another player, that player now steals XP from 3 random skills of yours.
  • The equipment menu can now be opened and closed with the ā€œIā€ key on desktop


  • Fixed a bug where the Buffalo sometimes had the wrong rotation and would appear to be moving backwards.
  • Player scores now fit in the leaderboard instead of continuing on the next line when they get too long.
  • Fixed a bug where armour sometimes would not properly apply its defence bonus to your total defence.
  • Server stability improvements
  • The tutorial popups have been updated to work with the revised control scheme added last week.
  • Fixed a bug where people could flood the chat with invisible characters/empty spaces.


  • Weapons no longer contribute to your HP, and the amount of HP that each piece of armour gives you has been increased.
  • Food items heal a little bit less and take a bit longer to consume.
  • Swords attack 20% faster now, and their DPS has been adjusted to be higher than bows to compensate lack of range.
  • There is now a 30% chance to drop Score Tokens instead of an item when you die or disconnect.

As always, we greatly appreciate all player feedback, good and bad! If you have any feedback or things you’d like to see in, be sure to hop into our Discord server and let us know!

PS – Happy Canadian Thanksgiving weeke

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1 Comment

  1. It would be nice if there was a visible timer on the safe zones so we would know how long we can take a pee break for.

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